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Monday, May 26, 2008

Getting settled

It is Monday May 26th and my first full day on the ship. I am trying to get a little sleep, trying to get settled, and trying to find my way around. My new friend Wendy and I were hoping to sleep in today - but that didn't work out. Turns out there is a pastor's conference going on aboard the ship today and tomorrow. That means the dining room is closed after breakfast until dinner. So, if you miss breakfast which is from 6:30am-7:30am then you don't get breakfast or lunch in the next 2 days. So, needless to say we made sure we were up - with a plan to go back to bed after breakfast. We did make it to breakfast and back to bed...but not for long. Turns out we had a meeting at 10am with our ward supervisor - which neither of us knew about. So, I got an hour and a half nap before my roommate woke me up to tell me I was late for a meeting. Oh well, just gotta roll with it. So, I have my schedule for the next month, I am working mostly the midnight shift - which is fine with me the night person. We got a short tour and orientation. Tomorrow I officially start on the job. They are critically short staffed of nurses right now (big surprise) and so I will probably be working a lot of overtime.

So, the rest of the afternoon I am getting settled in my room. I am waiting for my roommate from Norway to pack up before I truly set up "home" since she is giving me her bottom bunk. I do think there will be another roommate for me - I guess there is always someone going and coming. The girl that was in my bunk before me had just left that afternoon before I arrived.

And, if you are curious I am getting a very quick education on ship terms and duties. My friend that I met on the plane from Texas- his name is Joe and he is here as a Third Mate. Apparently that means he can drive the ship if we were to go out to sea. He is not sure what he will be doing here on the ship since we will be docked the whole time he is here. He said if he has to he will work as a deck hand - which means fixing up the ship, painting, taking care of various ropes, etc. I have learned some key definitions of things in the ship like aft, starboard side, port side. Every minute I seem to be either meeting someone new or learning something new. Also, it is easy to forget you are on a ship or even in Africa for that matter. Every once in awhile I will look outside a window and only then when I see the land is moving do I realize that it must be me moving :) Also, my cabin is on Deck #3 right down the hall from the hospital - and there are no windows on that level, so I don't see outside too much right now. I haven't even been outside today.

Well, I am going to end for now. I am still working on getting settled in and much more exploring to do!!


Tyrone said...

Its good you are getting settled in, you may see me grumping my way around the ship...right now we have a lot to do in the galley and things that need to be fixed (like the crane that takes the trash out!) so you may not see me at all till the special meals, conferences, and vision trips subside and we get some things back to normal in the galley...

So you may have to introduce yourself to me or I may have my straight forward 'work blinders' on...

Anonymous said...

God knows you are a NIGHT person,hence nightshift.
Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

I'm so thankful that God answered our prayers and you arrived safely but I knew He would. Your Mom and Dad's letters made me cry. I can relate to them. I pray that this trip will be all you've hoped for and that God will use you in a mighty way. I'm glad you don't have the morning shift!(-:
Jeanne W.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen, my dear friend. We have got to talk about the diet coke thing...just kidding. Anyways, so glad you are there safe. Can't wait to see your face on Skype. Sounds like you are going to be really busy...night shift-YIKES!!! It would be a sleep through for me...you know I hit the wall at that time...sure love you ...you are my hero in Christ.
I am going to call your dad sometime in the next few weeks and take him on in fishing...and let's see if men really are better fisherman... (I hope that I can catch a big one...then we could rub it in a bit).
Take care ...and remember to smell the roses. Love, Virg.

Alli said...

Two posts in two days, love it! Hope you're getting settled, enjoying the adventure of finding your way around the ship and meeting new folks. Keep the updates coming. As you can tell, lots of folks are reading them. (No pressure.) ;)

Rose and Norm said...

Jen, so glad to hear you have arrived safely and are settled in. We continue to pray that God will give you energy and strength to share God's love with those in need. God bless you. Love, Norm and Rose